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Toronto FC collection a big success

The third annual TFC “Play it Forward” collection drive netted enough equipment to kit out 100 teams and almost $500 in donations to help...

ING Direct Cafe partnership a great success!

Thanks again to our friends at the ING Direct Cafe in downtown Toronto -the equipment drive they organized was very successful with the...

65 boxes of soccer uniforms ready to ship

50 volunteers generously came out to our 2012 uniform sorting day and their hard work resulted in 65 boxes of sorted uniforms ready to...

Thanks Toronto High Park FC!

Welcome to a new collection partner -Toronto High Park FC. Look forward to picking up all the equipment you’ve collected and getting it...

Latest shipment off to Botswana

We’ve just shipped 20 boxes to our partner Schools without Borders in Botswana -they will ensure the equipment gets to communities that...

Welcome to Canada...

Some of our donations travel around the world to destinations as far away as India, Botswana and Uganda, but we also get requests from...

Helping kids in Haiti

We love to get letters like the one below!! This one was sent by a major in the Canadian Army stationed in Haiti (we’ve removed his name...

September 25th, 2010

On September 25th, Second Kicks is teaming up again with Toronto FC in the third annual “Play It Forward” equipment drive. In the last 2...

2010 shipment update

This year we have sent uniforms and equipment to Uganda, Cameroon, Sudan, Cuba, and Nepal. In addition, students from Crescent School and...

2011 TFC collection a huge success!

Thank you Toronto FC Fans! On May 7th at the Toronto FC Play It Forward day in Toronto, over 10,000 pieces of soccer uniforms and...

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