Well, unless you own shares in Zoom, we expect you are all pretty happy to see the end of 2020. COVID 19 certainly impacted our little world at Second Kicks: soccer leagues, our main source of uniforms, were cancelled, we were unable to hold our annual uniform sort day and shipping costs to our destinations went up.
However, despite all that, with the help of our generous sponsors we managed to ship uniforms to Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon and Mississippi -our first shipment to a US destination! We also worked with partners to get uniforms to Kenya, St. Lucia and Jamaica. And we made three donations in the local Toronto area. In total, we shipped enough shirts and shorts to kit out well over a 100 teams. Photo below shows a group of kids in Kenya proudly wearing their donated uniforms.
We are looking forward to another active year in 2021. We plan to actively seek out more donation locations here in Canada as well as continuing to support communities in need across the globe. We can’t do it without you -please contact us if you can donate soccer uniforms or equipment or donate to help us with our shipping costs. Thank you for your support and we wish all our partners, sponsors and volunteers a happy and healthy 2021!